Dr. Julie Kennedy

Owner, Nurse Practitioner, Health Coach

Dr. Julie Kennedy is a Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner with a focus in functional medicine. After embarking on her own personal health journey and completing her undergraduate nursing school over 25 years ago, Dr. Kennedy began to study and employ functional medicine to heal herself. From her use of functional medicine, she is in remission from discoid lupus, fibromyalgia, allergies, skin conditions, anxiety/depression, and healed from mold toxicity. She enjoys helping individuals achieve optimal health through lifestyle management, viewing the whole person, and looking at root causes. Dr. Kennedy has work experience in pediatrics, functional medicine, integrative nutrition health coaching, and healthcare business. Her primary areas of focus are autoimmune issues and mental health. She is also passionate about community health education demonstrated through her corporate wellness and group fitness classes.

Degrees, Certificates, & Trainings

  • Doctorate of Nursing Practice, Family Nurse Practitioner: Texas Christian University

  • Master’s of Business Administration: Texas Christian University

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing: Texas Christian University

  • Certified Health Coach: Institute for Integrative Nutrition

  • Pilates Instructor Certification: BodyBar Pilates

  • 200-Hour Registered Yoga Teacher: Baptiste Institute

  • Sacred Self-Care and Ayurvedic Nutrition: Sahara Rose

  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Instructor: Sounds True

  • Ozone Nurse Training: Natural Infusion Partners

  • Ozone Training: Dr. Frank Shallenberger, MD

  • Ozone Training: Simply O3

  • Methylene Blue IV: Simply O3

  • High Dose Vitamin C IV Therapy: Dr. Thomas Levy, MD

  • Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation Training

  • Peptides and Advanced Biologics Master Course: Med Master

  • The Elite NP: The IV Infusion + Injectable Clinic Course

  • Endocrine Balance and Bio-identical Hormone Restoration Symposium: A4M